Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Greedo Never Fired

Hate it!Love it!Will pre-order it now for free shipping!

Star Wars was a very well told story. At least it was the first time around. One of the great story lines was Han Solo's journey from cold-blooded killer to reluctant hero. Lucas erased that story when he doctored the film to make it appear as though Han Solo fired at greedo in self defense. There is alot more to say on the subject so do your research here....

California Uber Alas

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Ok this one works on so many levels. California Uber Alles is a Dead Kennedys song about Gov. Jerry Brown. (He was Gov. of California.) It plays off the nationalist slogan "Deutchland Uber Alles." Which is German. Now, I realize that Arnold arnold Schwarzenegger is in fact Austrian, but so was Hitler. Whom, I might add, is not held in high regard by Kevin Bacon.

Tayback's A Bitch


Vic Tayback was one badass actor. I created this one because I am a HUGE fan. He was Mel, Alice's boss at Mel's Diner and he was Jojo Krako in the Star Trek episode "A Piece of the Action." I have nothing but respect for the man. The shirt only implies that he was one "bad mother dude."

Old Sgould

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Elliot Gould is about as cool as they come. M*A*S*H, California Split and Capricorn One being my favorites. Rent those films and you'll be back to buy this shirt. Trust me.

IMRJ (I Am Ron Jeremy)

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A tasteful salute to porns greatest star Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy. He has lasted from BetaMax to Downloadable DVD and is still going strong.

Bad News Bears

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I searched high and low for a good looking, reasonably priced Bad News Bears Tee. In the end I was forced to make it myself. This shirt grabs alot of attention for such a simple design. People who know it, know it well. Oh, in case you are wondering "12" is tanners number... of course.

Fur Is Warm

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Many of us remember the "FUR IS DEAD" T-shirts of years past. Unfortunetly they have really lost their impact over the years. This new slogan is much more likely to spark some debate. If you really think its ok to wear fur then we reccomend you kill your dog and wrap his hide around your dumb ass. I will be donating all of the profits from this shirt to PETA. This shirt will more than likely piss some people off, but I think it will do more good than harm in the long run. comments?


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And one more for the ladies (and ladylike.) Mud-flap girls in Pilates poses. You can't beat that with a bat.

Hell Kitty

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Here is one for the ladies (mostly.) I think you get the idea. It comes in pink and army green.

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